Research project “SediClean”
Research project for the development of a new process for cleaning highly polluted sediment in water bodies.
Every year, more than 50 million tonnes of sediment are relocated from German waterways in order to maintain shipping lanes and remove sediment deposits. The relocations are necessary to ensure or restore the natural sediment balance and the functionality of the waterways. Some of the sediment is so chemically contaminated that it cannot be relocated. To date, there are no effective methods for cleaning the polluted sediments directly in the water environment.
The SediClean research project is working on developing an innovative process that makes it possible to clean contaminated sediments to such an extent that they can be safely returned to the water. The plan is to develop a continuously operating and automatable cleaning system. The focus is on analysing the possible applications, optimising operating parameters and the use of adsorbents as well as transferring the technology from laboratory and pilot plant scale to a pilot plant to enable subsequent practical application.
Project objective
Development of a novel purification process for highly contaminated sediment in bodies of water.
Project partners
SedimendWorks GmbH, Cologne University of Applied Sciences: Faculty of Applied Sciences and Laboratory for Geotechnics and Tunnelling.
Funding organisation
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Project duration
36 months (Start: 01.04.2024)

Research project “PhotoFloat”
The goal is to develop a prototype for an innovative overall system of floating photovoltaic systems that enables renewable energy to be fed directly and economically into the public grid.
The energy transition in Germany requires a massive expansion of photovoltaics. Floating solar systems offer decisive advantages: they avoid land use conflicts, increase electricity generation through natural cooling and can have positive ecological effects. However, existing systems are currently cost-intensive and technically challenging, particularly in terms of anchoring, corrosion protection and maintenance. This project focuses on innovative solutions such as modular designs, novel floats and optimised assembly processes to overcome these hurdles efficiently.
As part of the project, technical requirements for an innovative system are defined and initial tests are carried out. Based on this, the system design is developed and realised in a prototype. This is tested and optimised under real conditions.
Project objective
Development of a prototype of an innovative overall system for floating photovoltaic systems.
Project partners
SedimentWorks GmbH and SCNCWAVE e.V.
Funding organisation
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
01.07.2024 – 30.06.2027